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Response Payloads and Status Codes

Success Response

The success response will always obey the following top-level JSON structure:

Name Type Description
status string The status of the response. Will be success for a success response.
stats object The stats of the executed query (specifically the count, size in megabytes, and time in milliseconds).
results list A list of objects containing the results of the request.

Here is an example of an actual success response following this structure:

    "status": "success",
    "stats": {
        "count": 1,
        "size": 196,
        "time": 0
    "results": [
            "address": "0xa330BF3A28a5C7BB36Da83837f450e89e456eaF1",
            "type": "wallet",
            "last_active_timestamp": "2022-10-01T17:26:11Z",
            "created_timestamp": "2022-10-01T17:26:11Z",
            "creator_address": null

Error Response

The error response will always obey the following top-level JSON structure:

Name Type Description
status string The status of the response. Will be error for an error response.
message string A more descriptive error message explaining where the request failed.

Here is an example of an actual error response following this structure:

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Execution error: Table 'error_test' does not exist"

Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Success. The response payload will contain the data returned by the endpoint.
401 Unauthorized. Possible reasons: 1) The API key is invalid. 2) The API key is not associated with the team that owns the endpoint. 3) The endpoint does not exist. 4) The endpoint does not have the version requested.