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Dex Swaps

The arbitrum.dex_swaps table provides indexed views of all DEX swaps transacted for the chain. All DEX swaps tables follows the same database schema presented below.


Name Type Description
aggregator_name text The name of the DEX aggregator that facilitated the DEX swap (null if not found).
block_number integer The block number at which the DEX swap occurred.
contract_address text The contract address of the pool that facilitated the DEX swap.
contract_version text The version of the exchange contract (e.g. v1 or v2).
effective_price numeric The price of the to-token denominated by the from-token (i.e. quantity_out / quantity_in).
exchange_name text The name of the exchange that facilitated the DEX swap.
from_token_address text The address of the token that was swapped in.
log_index integer The log index at which the DEX swap occurred.
origin_address text The address that submitted the transaction that contained the swap.
quantity_in numeric The amount of the token that was swapped in.
quantity_out numeric The amount of the token that was swapped out.
sender_address text The address that sent the tokens to the pool in the swap.
timestamp timestamp without time zone The timestamp at which the DEX swap occurred.
to_token_address text The address of the token that was swapped out.
transaction_hash text The transaction hash at which the DEX swap occurred.
__block_number integer An internal identifier for the indexer that updates this row. Use block_number instead when querying.
__confirmed boolean Flag indicating whether the transfer has been confirmed.

Supported Protocols

03-swap-v1 03-swap-v2 0x-v1 1inch-v1
1inch-v2 1inch-v3 1inch-v4 3xcalibur-v1
arbether-v3 arbiswap-v1 arbswap-v1 balancer-v2
bitkeep-v1 bitkeep-v2 camelot-v1 curve-metapool
curve-v1 curve-v2 dodo-v1 dodo-v2
dodoswap-private dodoswap-stable dodoswap-v1 dodoswap-v2
elkswap-v1 firebird-v1 genieswap-v1 genieswap-v2
gmx-vault gumball-v1 hop-v1 kyber-v1
kyber-v2 kyber-v3 magicswap-v1 metamask-v1
odos-v1 okx-v1 okx-v2 open-ocean-v1
owlswap-v3 paraswap-v1 paraswap-v2 raidswap-v3
rainbow-v1 slingshot-v1 slingshot-v2 solidlizard-v1
solidly-v1-forks summaswap-v3 sushiswap-v1 swapfish-v1
swapr-v1 synapse-v1 traderjoe-v2 uniswap-v2-forks
uniswap-v3 uniswap-v3-forks zigzag-v1 zigzag-v2


block_number, log_index
__indexer_id, __block_number
__indexer_id WHERE __confirmed = false
transaction_hash, log_index
timestamp, log_index
from_token_address, timestamp, log_index
to_token_address, timestamp, log_index
from_token_address, to_token_address, timestamp, log_index
origin_address, timestamp, log_index
sender_address, timestamp, log_index
contract_address, timestamp, log_index
exchange_name, timestamp, log_index
exchange_name, from_token_address, timestamp, log_index
exchange_name, to_token_address, timestamp, log_index
exchange_name, contract_version, timestamp, log_index
aggregator_name, timestamp, log_index

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