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ENS Record Model

The ENS Record Model contains the full set of information for a single ENS name, including its owner, resolved address, resolver, node, and much more. The ENS Record Model follows the following structure:

Name Description Type
ens_name The ENS name. string
ens_node The unique ENS nodehash which points to the ENS name. string
contract_address The contract address of the ENS collection. string
token_id The token ID of the ENS name. integer
seq_id Unique sequential ID of the ENS name used by the Transpose backend. integer
owner The owner of the ENS name. string
resolver The resolver contract address of the ENS name. string
resolved_address The address which has this ENS name set to be their primary name. string
registration_timestamp The timestamp on which this ENS name was registerred (in ISO-8601 format). date-time
expiration_timestamp The timestamp on which this ENS registration will expire (in ISO-8601 format). date-time
grace_period_ends The timestamp on which this ENS name was registerred (in ISO-8601 format). date-time
premium_period_ends The timestamp on which this grace period will end (in ISO-8601 format). date-time
in_grace_period Whether the ENS name is currently in the 90 day grace period. boolean
in_premium_period Whether the ENS name is currently in 21 day premium period. boolean
is_expired Whether the ENS name is currently expired. boolean
last_refreshed The timestamp at which the ENS record was last refreshed by the Transpose backend (in ISO-8601 format). date-time

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