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Transaction Model

The Transaction Model represents a single transaction. The Transaction Model follows the following structure:

Name Description Type
transaction_hash The transaction's hash. string
timestamp The transaction's timestamp (in ISO-8601 format). string
block_number The block number the transaction was included in. integer
base_fee_per_gas The base fee to include a transaction in the block (in Wei per gas unit). integer
max_priority_fee_per_gas The maximum priority fee used by the transaction (in Wei per gas unit). integer
max_fee_per_gas The maximum fee used by the transaction (in Wei per gas unit). integer
gas_limit The maximum amount of gas that can be used in the transaction (in gas units). integer
gas_used The amount of gas used in the transaction (in gas units). integer
gas_price The actual price of gas used in the transaction (in Wei per gas unit). integer
transaction_fee The gas fee paid by the transaction (in Wei). integer
fees_burned The amount of transaction fees burned by the transaction (see EIP-1559) (in Wei). integer
fees_rewarded The amount of transaction fees rewarded to the miner of the transaction (in Wei). integer
fees_saved The amount of transaction fees saved by the transaction (in Wei). integer
nonce The transaction sender's nonce. integer
position The position of the transaction in the block. integer
type The type of the transaction (see EIP-1559, EIP-2718). integer
from The address of the transaction's sender. string
to The address of the transaction's recipient, if any. string
value The amount sent by the transaction (in Wei). integer
contract_address The address of the contract created by the transaction, if any. string
internal_transaction_count The number of internal transactions produced in the transaction. integer
log_count The number of logs produced in the transaction. integer
error The error message produced for the transaction if the transaction failed. string

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