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Collection Model

The Collection Model represents a single NFT collection. The Collection Model follows the following structure:

Name Description Type
contract_address Contract address of the collection. string
name The collection's name. string
symbol The collection's symbol string
description The collection's description string
created_timestamp The collection's timestamp of creation (in ISO-8601 format). date-time
standard The collection's NFT standard (ERC-721 or ERC-1155) string
count The number of NFTs in the collection (NFTs minted minus NFTs burned). integer
external_url The collection's website URL. string
image_url The collection's icon image URL. string
twitter_username The collection's Twitter username. string
telegram_url The collection's Telegram URL. string
discord_url The collection's Discord URL. string
is_nsfw The collection's NSFW status. boolean
opensea_slug The collection's OpenSea slug. string
opensea_url The collection's OpenSea URL. string
last_refreshed The timestamp at which the collection was last refreshed by the Transpose backend (in ISO-8601 format). date-time

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