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Get Transfers by Account

This endpoint returns all NFT Transfers that occurred within the given date range and involved a given account (supports pagination). Supported chains: ethereum, polygon, optimism, scroll, arbitrum, base, avalanche.


Parameter Description Type
chain_id A keyword (i.e. "ethereum") or CAIP-2 identifier specifying the blockchain to query. string
account_address required The account address to retrieve transfers for (supports ENS names). string
transferred_after The earlier transfer date, inclusive (in seconds since the Unix epoch or ISO-8601 format). date-time
transferred_before The later transfer date, inclusive (in seconds since the Unix epoch or ISO-8601 format). date-time
transfer_direction Whether to match transfers that were sent by the account (sent), received by the account (received), or all (all). string
order The order in which to retrieve the results (either asc or desc). string
limit The maximum number of results to retrieve (default 100). string

curl -X GET \
    '' \
    -H 'X-API-KEY: BtRVYj7dgnYUcr1gSSfWhmrTShIb8RBG' \

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