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NFT Sale Model

The NFT Sale Model represents a single NFT Sale on an exchange. The NFT Sale Model follows the following structure:

Name Description Type
contract_address Contract address of the NFT. string
token_id Token ID of the NFT. integer
block_number Block number at which the sale occurred. integer
log_index Log index at which the sale occurred. integer
transaction_hash Transaction hash at which the sale occurred. string
timestamp Timestamp of the sale (in ISO-8601 format). date-time
exchange_name Name of the exchange where the sale occurred. string
contract_version The version of the exchange contract that hosted the NFT sale. string
is_multi_token_sale Whether the sale is a multi-token sale. boolean
multi_token_sale_index Whether the sale is a multi-token sale, including more than one unique NFT. integer
quantity The quantity of the NFT sold. integer
payment_token The payment token used for the sale. string
price The total value of this sale in the payment token (formatted with the smallest denomination). integer
eth_price The total value of this sale in ETH. integer
usd_price The total value of this sale in USD. integer
buyer The address of the buyer. string
seller The address of the seller. string
royalty_fee The decimal-adjusted royalty fee paid to the creator of the NFT. numeric
platform_fee The decimal-adjusted platform fee paid to the exchange that facilitated the NFT sale. numeric

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