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Token Swap Model

The Token Swap Model represents a single token swap. The Token Swap Model follows the following structure:

Name Description Type
pair_contract_address Contract address of the token pair, if applicable. string
from_token Contract address of the token swapped from. string
to_token Contract address of the token swapped to. string
block_number The block number at which the swap occurred. integer
log_index The log index at which the swap occurred. integer
transaction_hash The transaction hash at which the swap occurred. string
timestamp The timestamp of the swap (in ISO-8601 format). date-time
exchange_name The name of the exchange that hosted the token swap. string
contract_version The version of the exchange contract that hosted the token swap. string
quantity_in The amount of tokens the swapper put into the swap. integer
quantity_out The amount of tokens that the swapper received from the swap integer
effective_price The effective price of to_token denominated in from_token (quantity_out / quantity_in). number
sender The address of the sender (may be a router contract address). string
origin The address of the originator of the swap transaction. string

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