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Bridge Events

The avalanche.bridge_events table provides indexed views of all bridge transactions from or to a specified chain, and includes the other chain involved. All bridge events tables follow the same database schema presented below.


Name Type Description
block_number integer The block number at which the event occurred.
bridge_name text The name of the bridge protocol that facilitated the event.
contract_address text The contract address where tokens were deposited to.
contract_version text The version of the bridge contract interacted with (e.g. v1 or v2).
direction text The direction of the bridge events with respect to the chain being queried (e.g. 'IN' or 'OUT').
from_address text The address that sent tokens on the from_chain_id (null if not found).
from_chain_id text The name of the from chain (e.g. 'ETHEREUM', 'SOLANA', 'AVALANCHE').
from_quantity numeric The quantity of the from_token_address.
from_token_address text The token address deposited on the from_chain_id (null if not found).
from_transaction_hash text The transaction hash on the from_chain_id in which tokens were bridged out of.
log_index integer The log index at which the event occurred.
metadata jsonb Protocol-specific metadata for the event (e.g. txn ID that links txns on each chain).
timestamp timestamp without time zone The timestamp at which the event occurred.
to_address text The address that received tokens on the to_chain_id (null if not found).
to_chain_id text The name of the to chain (e.g. 'ETHEREUM', 'SOLANA', 'AVALANCHE').
to_quantity numeric The quantity of the to_token_address.
to_token_address text The token address unlocked on the to_chain_id (null if not found).
to_transaction_hash text The transaction hash on the to_chain_id in which tokens were bridged into.
transaction_hash text The transaction hash at which the event occurred.
__block_number integer The block number at which the event took place in.
__confirmed boolean Flag indicating whether the transfer has been confirmed.
__last_modified timestamp The date at which this row was last updated (in ISO-8601 format).

Supported Protocols

allbridge-core allbridge-v1 allbridge-v2 ankr-v1
avalanche-erc20 avalanche-v2 avalanche-v3 axelar-squid
axelar-v1 bsc-v1 celer-cbridge celer-pegged-token-bridge
celer-token-vault celer-v2 chainbridge-v1-forks chainlink-v1
chainlink-v2 chainport-v1 chainsafe-v1 circle-v1
complus-v1 connext-v1 crosschainbridge-v1 dctdao-v1
debridge-dln debridge-v1 ethereum-v1 evodefi-v1
frax-ferry fxcore-v1 gnosis-v1 heco-v1
hyphen-v2 iotex-v1 layer0-aptos merkly-v1
meter-v1 multibit-v1 multichain-v7 nomad-v1
optics-v1 polygon-v1 polynetwork-v1 relay-v1
ren-v1 rhino-v1 router-v1 socket-refuel
sphynx-v1 stargate-v1 swft-v1 symbiosis-v1
synapse-v1 thorchain-v1 ultron-v1 wanchain-v1
wormhole-core wormhole-hashflow wormhole-l2


bridge_name, timestamp, log_index
to_chain_id, timestamp, log_index
from_chain_id, timestamp, log_index
to_address, timestamp, log_index
from_address, timestamp, log_index
to_token_address, timestamp, log_index
from_token_address, timestamp, log_index
timestamp, log_index
transaction_hash, log_index
__indexer_id WHERE __confirmed = false
__indexer_id, __block_number
block_number, log_index

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