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Token Locks

The ethereum.token_locks table provides indexed views for tokens that are locked for periods of time (typically for vesting).


Name Type Description
account_address text The address that locked/withdrew the tokens, or owns the locked tokens.
block_number integer The block number at which the event occurred.
category text Either a deposit, withdraw, or extend (which extends the duration of the lock).
contract_address text The contract address where tokens were locked into.
contract_version text The version of the protocol.
log_index integer The log index at which the event occurred.
metadata jsonb Any protocol-specific metadata associated with the lock.
protocol_name text The name of the protocol the tokens were locked with.
quantity numeric The quantity of tokens locked/withdrawn in the transaction.
sender_address text The address that sent the transaction.
timestamp timestamp without time zone The timestamp at which the event occurred.
token_address text The token address that was locked.
token_id numeric The token_id if the token locked was an NFT.
transaction_hash text The transaction hash at which the event occurred.
unlock_time timestamp The timestamp at which the tokens will be unlocked.
__block_number integer An internal identifier for the indexer that updates this row. Use block_number instead when querying.
__confirmed boolean Flag indicating whether the transfer has been confirmed.
__last_modified timestamp The date at which this row was last updated (in ISO-8601 format).

Supported Protocols

dxsale-v4 opera-v1


token_address, timestamp, log_index
timestamp, log_index
__indexer_id, __block_number
__indexer_id WHERE __confirmed = false
block_number, log_index

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