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The ethereum.deposits table provides indexed views of all Ethereum staking deposits.


Name Type Description
address text The address of the account that deposited.
amount numeric The amount deposited (in Wei).
block_number integer The block number the deposit was included in.
index integer A unique sequential index for the deposit.
log_index integer The index of the deposit in the transaction's logs.
timestamp timestamp The deposit's timestamp (in ISO-8601 format).
transaction_hash text The deposit's transaction hash.
validator_pubkey text The public key of the validator that the deposit was made for.
__block_number integer The block number of the block that the deposit was included in.
__confirmed boolean Flag indicating whether the deposit has been confirmed.
__last_modified timestamp The timestamp at which the deposit was last modified (in ISO-8601 format).


block_number, log_index
timestamp, log_index
transaction_hash, log_index
address, index
validator_pubkey, index
__indexer_id, __block_number
__indexer_id WHERE __confirmed = false

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