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Bridge Events

The ethereum.bridge_events table provides indexed views of all bridge transactions from or to a specified chain, and includes the other chain involved. All bridge events tables follow the same database schema presented below.


Name Type Description
block_number integer The block number at which the event occurred.
bridge_name text The name of the bridge protocol that facilitated the event.
contract_address text The contract address where tokens were deposited to.
contract_version text The version of the bridge contract interacted with (e.g. v1 or v2).
from_address text The address that sent tokens on the from_chain_id (null if not found).
from_chain_id text The name of the from chain (e.g. 'ETHEREUM', 'SOLANA', 'AVALANCHE').
from_quantity numeric The quantity of the from_token_address.
from_token_address text The token address deposited on the from_chain_id (null if not found).
log_index integer The log index at which the event occurred.
metadata jsonb Protocol-specific metadata for the event (e.g. txn ID that links txns on each chain).
timestamp timestamp without time zone The timestamp at which the event occurred.
to_address text The address that received tokens on the to_chain_id (null if not found).
to_chain_id text The name of the to chain (e.g. 'ETHEREUM', 'SOLANA', 'AVALANCHE').
to_quantity numeric The quantity of the to_token_address.
to_token_address text The token address unlocked on the to_chain_id (null if not found).
transaction_hash text The transaction hash at which the event occurred.
__block_number integer The block number at which the event took place in.
__confirmed boolean Flag indicating whether the transfer has been confirmed.
__last_modified timestamp The date at which this row was last updated (in ISO-8601 format).

Supported Protocols

aevo-standard allbridge-core ankr-v1 apex-v1
arbitrum-nova-v1 arbitrum-v1 avalanche-v1 avalanche-v2
avalanche-v3 axelar-squid axelar-v1 base-v1
bittorrent-v1 boba-standard chainlink-v1 chainport-v1
circle-v1 connext-v1 debridge-v1 evodefi-v1
frax-standard graviton-standard hop-HOP hop-SNX
hop-SUSD hop-v1 hyphen-biconomy-v1 hyphen-v2
hypr-standard imbtc-v1 layer0-aptos layer0-v1
layer2-finance-v1 layerswap-v1 linea-v1 lyra-standard
manta-standard mantle-standard mode-standard multibit-v1
multichain-v7 nahmii-standard optimism-standard optimism-v1
orbiter-v1 pgn-standard polygon-zkevm pulsechain-v1
rebase-v1 scroll-l1 sorare-v1 stargate-v1
starknet-v1 swftswap-v1 thorchain-v1 tokamak-standard
wbtc-v1 zora-v1


transaction_hash, log_index
to_chain_id, timestamp, log_index
timestamp, log_index
to_token_address, timestamp, log_index
from_token_address, timestamp, log_index
bridge_name, timestamp, log_index
to_address, timestamp, log_index
from_chain_id, timestamp, log_index
__indexer_id, __block_number
from_address, timestamp, log_index
__indexer_id WHERE __confirmed = false
block_number, log_index

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