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Token Transfers

The polygon.token_transfers tables provides indexed views of all transfers (mints, sends, and burns) for tokens.


Name Type Description
activity_id numeric A unique, sequential identifier for the transfer event.
block_number integer The block number at which the transfer occurred.
category text The category of the token transfer (one of mint, send, or burn).
contract_address text Contract address of the token.
from_address text The address of the sender.
log_index integer The log index at which the transfer occurred.
operator_address text The address of the operator that performed the transfer (only for ERC-777 tokens).
quantity numeric The quantity of tokens transferred.
timestamp timestamp The timestamp of the transfer (in ISO-8601 format).
to_address text The address of the receiver.
transaction_hash text The transaction hash at which the transfer occurred.
__confirmed boolean Flag indicating whether the transfer has been confirmed.


__confirmed WHERE __confirmed = false
to_address, timestamp, activity_id
timestamp, activity_id
from_address, timestamp, activity_id
contract_address, timestamp, activity_id

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